Episode 4 - Working with Michael

So first of all how you can work with me and get the best out of me. First of all, I usually like to script things in my head, and talk about things that I am very excited about. When that happens the conversation flows quite freely, however when I have to come up with stuff on the spot, and I have to think about these things quickly, my brain get s quite jumbled and my speech can get a bit broken, or it won’t make much sense to you.

I work best when I’m:-

·         Not time pressured and can approach tasks in a logical way

·         Where the tasks are clear, and I know 100 percent what to do and how to do the task

·         Where there is no confusion or ambiguity in a task, or if I am confused, I can confirm how you are “looking” at a task before I can complete this.

·         Where there is no fear about doing anything wrong.

·         When I can plan out my day at the beginning of the day, and stick with that plan

·         However, if there are urgent tasks that are quick to complete, I can do them if they don’t take too much time.

·         If there is a change in priorities for the day, I would like to discuss this with you and make a plan to do this so that everything can be done for the day.

I tend to panic and get stressed where:-

·         If there a sudden change of process where I haven’t been trained. If this is brought to my attention, I would like to discuss this with you, so I can present my point of view, so we can come a workable resolution.

·         If I am subject to a lot of pressure, and a lot of changes in a short period of time.  I would like to do a least a bit of planning, so I know exactly what to do.

·         If I am feeling overwhelmed with a lot of work, and not getting some help to be able to complete the tasks required.

·         If I get “put on the spot”, and have to make a definite decision “straight away”

·         If I am tired from a lot of overwhelm that I experience.

·         If there is a meeting suddenly organised that I don’t know the context of, the worst case scenario tends to be activated. I need to have a rough idea what is about before the meeting, so I can “emotionally” plan.

·         If there is something I need to correct, and there is no logical reason on the how, the where or the why.

My main issue for me with my Autism is Transitions.  If there is big change, I don’t really like it when it is very sudden. I really like to plan for it, and make sure that I know about everything, and make sure that I can fully understand it and I know what to do to overcome the change and embrace it.  If I get that chance to do it, change can be overcome and even welcomed.  If it very sudden and quick and if it is not logical and I don’t have a chance to understand why, it can be very triggering.

So What is Autism, and how does it affect me.

Autism is where a person may perceive things in a different way than the usual, because if our differences with social interactions and repetitive behaviours and interests.

How I experience my autism

·         I don’t experience stress to well

·         I tend to get Panic Attacks when my brain is overwhelmed with lot of information

·         I don’t tend to read “between the lines” too well.

·         I tend to either over explain, explain from the wrong point, or share too little information (or “info-dumping” if I over explain)

·         I have been bullied a lot, for little to no explanation

·         I have selective memory, and have a good memory for things I really enjoy, and a crap short memory for things I sometimes need to remember.

·         I have wind finding difficulty, as my brain has to constantly think to provide the correct words so that other people can understand what I am trying to say. (This is known as “Dysphasia”)

How you may experience my autism

·         I have to ask a lot of questions, and am needing to get how the other person is looking at it so it makes sense to me.

·         I may get flustered for no apparent reason. (Anxiety is at play here)

·         When I’m nervous, I can’t put coherent sentences together, it’s even worse when I’m stressed. (This is known as “Dysphasia”)

·         I do tend to get angry (but I try not to), when I feel that my rights have been ignored . (this is me experiencing a “meltdown”)

·         I tend to be misunderstood by others, because of my difficulty in explaining.

·         When I get excited, I make quirky noises, or when I awaiting something exciting, I tend to pace all around the place. (or “Stimming”)

·         If I cry or get angry for no apparent reason, it’s me letting my emotions out. (this is me experiencing a “meltdown”)

I would like to hear your thoughts on this and how it affects you. Email me at admin@deepdiveau.net


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