Michael Coles Michael Coles

Shannon Swales - From Burnout to Wellness: A Transformative Journey

Shannon Swales, is a psychologist driven by a deep passion to empower individuals with the essential mental health knowledge & skills needed to flourish. She guides them through a transformative journey from chronically stressed & burnt-out states to a state of overall wellness. Her commitment to this cause is rooted in personal experience, having traversed the challenging terrain of burnout and other mental health conditions herself. Shannon's odyssey has imbued her with a renewed perspective, enabling her to approach her career & the care of others with a more balanced & empathetic mindset. Join Shannon on this inspirational journey as she shares her transformative experiences & valuable insights, fostering a message of resilience, self-care, & the triumph of well-being. Connect with Shannon's work via http://www.burnoutpsychologysupport.com, by reading her burnout memoir - Nothing Left to Give: A Psychologist's Path Back. Shannon is also on Instagram   @burnoutpsychologysupport  

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Lauren Lang from ‪@ContraryMotionChannel‬ - Making Music more accessible

Starting her music studies at just eight years old with the cello, Lauren Lang quickly moved to guitar before expanding their studies to an array of instruments, including drum set, percussion, bass guitar, and piano. Lauren's passion for music synthesis developed during her teenage years, leading to a performing arts high school and post-secondary studies at Peabody Conservatory and Berklee College of Music. After a decade-long hiatus and an AuDHD diagnosis at age 30, Lauren has returned to music with the launch of their YouTube channel, Contrary Motion, which is dedicated to making music more accessible for neurodivergent people. With innovative pedagogies and strategies tailored to diverse learning styles and support needs, Contrary Motion empowers viewers to engage with music on their own terms. Check out her channel on YouTube - ‪@ContraryMotionChannel‬ or on Instagram   @contrarymotionchannel  

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Annie Crowe - Neuroaccessibility and the SAFE Self-Advocacy Method

In this conversation, Annie Crowe discusses the concept of neuroaccessibility and its importance for neurodivergent individuals. She explains that neuroaccessibility is when the needs of neurodivergent people are specifically considered and products, services, environments, and systems are built or modified to be used by people of all neurotypes. Annie highlights the proactive nature of accessibility compared to accommodations and reasonable adjustments, which are reactive and individualized. She also discusses common barriers to neuroaccessibility, such as sensory overload and communication challenges, and provides strategies for organizations and businesses to modify their systems to be more accessible. Annie emphasizes the role of self-advocacy in gaining neuroaccessibility and introduces her SAFE self-advocacy method. She explains that knowing one's rights enhances self-advocacy and addresses internalized ableism. Annie also emphasizes the importance of community connection in the self-advocacy journey and discusses how neurodivergent individuals can ensure their self-fulfillment needs are met in their personal and professional lives. She provides insights on preparing for and managing setbacks in self-advocacy and shares her inspiration for creating the @Neuroaccess Network, a community focused on empowering neurodivergent individuals to advocate for their needs. Annie concludes by inviting listeners to sign up for her safe self-advocacy masterclass and learn more about neuroaccessibility on her website and social media channels. For more information go to:- http://www.neuroaccess.com.au

or on Instagram at the following:-




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Our first International Guest - Jenn from ‪@NeurodiverJENNt‬

Jenn is a mother, an entrepreneur, and currently a YouTube content creator under the handle NeurodiverJENNt.

She is also a late diagnosed autistic and ADHD woman who received her diagnoses at the age of 39 after the diagnosis of her son. 

Since then she has been sharing her story on YouTube and social media to educate, and to help others feel less alone.

Jen, a neurodivergent individual, shares her journey of creating content on YouTube to raise awareness about neurodiversity and autism. She discusses the topics of dual diagnosis of autism and ADHD, common misconceptions about neurodiversity, and the need for better representation in media. Jen emphasizes the importance of sharing personal experiences to help others feel less alone and promote understanding. She offers advice for neurodivergent individuals navigating the world and advocates for inclusivity and acceptance. Jen also mentions resources like Tony Atwood and Sarah Hendricks for learning more about neurodiversity.


Creating content on YouTube can be a powerful way to raise awareness about neurodiversity and share personal experiences.

The dual diagnosis of autism and ADHD is an important topic to discuss, as it can help individuals with similar experiences feel less alone.

There are common misconceptions about neurodiversity that need to be addressed, such as the differences in how autism can present in high masking individuals.

Promoting inclusivity and acceptance of neurodivergent individuals in society and media is crucial for creating a more understanding and supportive environment.

Personal stories and lived experiences are valuable resources for learning about neurodiversity and gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals.

Sound Bites

"I thought that monologuing on YouTube would be kind of interesting."

"I share a lot of my own story, which may hit with some people, may not hit with other people, but if you've met one autistic..."

"I've never felt accepted or included anywhere really in my life fully, until I started this YouTube channel."

Check out her Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@NeurodiverJENNt

Go to her website - https://www.neurodiverjennt.com/ - where you can also join her Discord Server.

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Ange McArthur - Mother, Business Owner and Advocate

Ange McArthur, a mother, business owner, and advocate, discusses her experience managing time and being punctual as a mother and business owner with ADHD and autism. She emphasizes the importance of giving herself grace and reducing work hours to accommodate her children's needs. Ange communicates openly with her team and clients about her neurodivergence and potential for occasional lateness. She stays organized using calendars, reminders, and alarms. Ange prioritizes self-care by scheduling time for herself and acknowledges the challenges of balancing motherhood, business, and neurodivergence. She advocates for better standards and practices within the NDIS system and addresses bad providers by reconciling invoices and escalating issues. Ange encourages other parents and business owners to ask questions, join support groups, and seek resources to navigate the NDIS system. She uses her platform and influence to bring attention to systemic issues and drive positive change within the NDIS sector. Ange recommends sticking to what you know and being kind to yourself in a system designed to defeat neurodivergent individuals.


  • Give yourself grace and make accommodations to manage time and meet the needs of children with special needs.

  • Communicate openly with your team and clients about your neurodivergence and potential for occasional lateness.

  • Stay organized using calendars, reminders, and alarms to manage tasks and appointments.

  • Prioritize self-care and schedule time for yourself to maintain mental health while juggling multiple responsibilities.

  • Advocate for better standards and practices within the NDIS system by addressing bad providers and escalating issues.

  • Seek resources, join support groups, and ask questions to navigate the NDIS system effectively.

  • Use your platform and influence to bring attention to systemic issues and drive positive change within the NDIS sector.

  • Stick to what you know and be kind to yourself in a system designed to defeat neurodivergent individuals.

Sound Bites

"How does your ADHD diagnosis affect your ability to manage time and be punctual as a mother and a business owner?"

"How do you communicate with your team and clients about your neurodivergence and potential for occasional lateness?"

"What strategies do you use to stay organized despite the challenges of your autism and ADHD?"

You can contact Ange at:-



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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Sarah Langston - - Helping out Neurodivergent Parents through The ANPA

The Australian Neurodivergent Parents Association (ANPA) was founded by Sarah Langston as a collective of neurodivergent parents advocating for their rights and the rights of their children. The ANPA aims to defend and equip neurodivergent parents and their families in Australia, focusing on political representation, support, and resources. Membership is currently free, providing a sense of belonging and community for neurodivergent parents. The ANPA engages in partnerships with government agencies and disabled people's organizations to address the urgent needs of the community. Success stories include parents feeling safer and less alone, positive feedback on the social worker info pack, and advocacy support in high-risk situations.

  • The ANPA is a collective of neurodivergent parents advocating for their rights and the rights of their children.

  • Membership in the ANPA is currently free and provides a sense of belonging and community for neurodivergent parents.

  • The ANPA focuses on political representation, support, and resources for neurodivergent parents and their families.

  • Partnerships with government agencies and disabled people's organizations help address the urgent needs of the community.

  • Success stories include parents feeling safer and less alone, positive feedback on the social worker info pack, and advocacy support in high-risk situations.

Sound Bites

  • "Stand in your power, take up space, and stand up and be counted because you have those rights, so flex them."

Contact The ANPA - https://www.instagram.com/theanpa.org.au/ or https://sites.google.com/view/theanpa/home?authuser=1

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Lauren McGee - Eliminating Stress in a Stressful World

Stress is a natural response in the body that occurs when we perceive something as a threat. However, in today's society, stress has become chronic and accumulates throughout the day. Chronic stress can lead to long-term changes in brain chemistry and neuroplasticity, affecting brain structure and function. It can also manifest in the body physically, causing tension and discomfort in different parts of the body. Stress can contribute to the development of neurological disorders such as anxiety and depression. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help regulate the nervous system's response to stress. Gut health plays a crucial role in mediating the effects of stress on the nervous system, as the gut and brain are interconnected. Workplace Performance and Wellbeing Institute was founded to help individuals and organizations thrive by providing tools and education to manage stress. The Thriving Workplace Podcast was created to bring valuable insights and conversations to a wider audience.


  • Stress is a natural response in the body, but chronic stress can have negative effects on brain structure and function.

  • Chronic stress can manifest physically in the body, causing tension and discomfort in different areas.

  • Stress can contribute to the development of anxiety and depression.

  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help regulate the nervous system's response to stress.

  • Gut health plays a crucial role in mediating the effects of stress on the nervous system.

  • Workplace Performance and Wellbeing Institute aims to help individuals and organizations thrive by providing tools and education to manage stress.

  • The Thriving Workplace Podcast brings valuable insights and conversations to a wider audience.


  • Physical Manifestations of Stress in the Body

  • The Link Between Stress and Anxiety/Depression

Sound Bites

  • "Stress is a natural perception in the body, and it starts within the brain."

  • "Your brain is going to adapt to what it really needs, because your brain just works in keeping you alive."

  • "Neuroplasticity is basically your brain's way of diverting its energy and function where it feels like it needs to go."







The Thriving Workplace Podcast -



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Justin Bruce - The Hidden Disability Sunflower Program: Breaking Stigmas & Encouraging Support

Justin Bruce is an executive manager at Bayley House, supporting adults with Intellectual Disabilities under the NDIS. Four years ago, Justin brought the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to Australia and New Zealand with the aim of building a more tolerant, understanding and inclusive society for all. Justin is dedicated to promoting the voice of people with disability to build self-advocacy and proudly supporting the workforce who strive every day to make a positive social impact.

Checkout the website - hdsunflower.com

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Stephanie Robertson - Being an Occupational Therapist in a Neuroaffirming Practice and providing Trauma Informed Care

Steph Robertson is the founder of occupational therapist at SGR Occupational Therapy. As a multiply- neurodivergent person herself, Steph is passionate about supporting others to embrace neurodiversity and live a life that aligns with who they are authentically. Steph has dedicated her career to providing trauma-informed and neurodivergent affirming treatment, education, and advocacy through occupational therapy. She holds a master's degree in Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice and has extensive clinical, research and lived experience which are all drawn upon in her therapy supports and trainings. 

Steph is known for her compassionate and holistic approach to therapy, focusing on empowering her clients to heal and thrive. She is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can feel comfortable sharing their experiences and working towards their goals. Steph is skilled in providing unique and affirming approaches to therapy to ensure each and every person has their needs met and experience a felt sense of safety when it comes to receiving support.

In addition to her clinical work, Steph is actively involved in educating and training other healthcare professionals on neurodiversity affirming practice and trauma informed care. She is a strong advocate for raising awareness about the neurodiversity affirming movement and the importance of incorporating trauma-informed principles into all therapeutic practice. Steph’s dedication to her clients and her commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate care make her a respected leader in the field of neurodivergent affirming and trauma-informed occupational therapy.

Steph loves ALL animals (even the creepy ones), being in nature, meditating, writing, reading, singing and spending time with her family.

Steph would love to connect with you all!

If you want to find her, here are the links:

Instagram: @sgroccupationaltherapy

Facebook: SGR Holistic Occupational Therapy

Facebook Group: Neurodiversity Empowerment Movement @sgroccupationaltherapy

Website: www.sgroccupationaltherapy.com

Podcast: Alphabet Soup! Exploring Complex Neurodiversity

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Episode 4 - Working with Michael

So first of all how you can work with me and get the best out of me. First of all, I usually like to script things in my head, and talk about things that I am very excited about. When that happens the conversation flows quite freely, however when I have to come up with stuff on the spot, and I have to think about these things quickly, my brain get s quite jumbled and my speech can get a bit broken, or it won’t make much sense to you.

I work best when I’m:-

·         Not time pressured and can approach tasks in a logical way

·         Where the tasks are clear, and I know 100 percent what to do and how to do the task

·         Where there is no confusion or ambiguity in a task, or if I am confused, I can confirm how you are “looking” at a task before I can complete this.

·         Where there is no fear about doing anything wrong.

·         When I can plan out my day at the beginning of the day, and stick with that plan

·         However, if there are urgent tasks that are quick to complete, I can do them if they don’t take too much time.

·         If there is a change in priorities for the day, I would like to discuss this with you and make a plan to do this so that everything can be done for the day.

I tend to panic and get stressed where:-

·         If there a sudden change of process where I haven’t been trained. If this is brought to my attention, I would like to discuss this with you, so I can present my point of view, so we can come a workable resolution.

·         If I am subject to a lot of pressure, and a lot of changes in a short period of time.  I would like to do a least a bit of planning, so I know exactly what to do.

·         If I am feeling overwhelmed with a lot of work, and not getting some help to be able to complete the tasks required.

·         If I get “put on the spot”, and have to make a definite decision “straight away”

·         If I am tired from a lot of overwhelm that I experience.

·         If there is a meeting suddenly organised that I don’t know the context of, the worst case scenario tends to be activated. I need to have a rough idea what is about before the meeting, so I can “emotionally” plan.

·         If there is something I need to correct, and there is no logical reason on the how, the where or the why.

My main issue for me with my Autism is Transitions.  If there is big change, I don’t really like it when it is very sudden. I really like to plan for it, and make sure that I know about everything, and make sure that I can fully understand it and I know what to do to overcome the change and embrace it.  If I get that chance to do it, change can be overcome and even welcomed.  If it very sudden and quick and if it is not logical and I don’t have a chance to understand why, it can be very triggering.

So What is Autism, and how does it affect me.

Autism is where a person may perceive things in a different way than the usual, because if our differences with social interactions and repetitive behaviours and interests.

How I experience my autism

·         I don’t experience stress to well

·         I tend to get Panic Attacks when my brain is overwhelmed with lot of information

·         I don’t tend to read “between the lines” too well.

·         I tend to either over explain, explain from the wrong point, or share too little information (or “info-dumping” if I over explain)

·         I have been bullied a lot, for little to no explanation

·         I have selective memory, and have a good memory for things I really enjoy, and a crap short memory for things I sometimes need to remember.

·         I have wind finding difficulty, as my brain has to constantly think to provide the correct words so that other people can understand what I am trying to say. (This is known as “Dysphasia”)

How you may experience my autism

·         I have to ask a lot of questions, and am needing to get how the other person is looking at it so it makes sense to me.

·         I may get flustered for no apparent reason. (Anxiety is at play here)

·         When I’m nervous, I can’t put coherent sentences together, it’s even worse when I’m stressed. (This is known as “Dysphasia”)

·         I do tend to get angry (but I try not to), when I feel that my rights have been ignored . (this is me experiencing a “meltdown”)

·         I tend to be misunderstood by others, because of my difficulty in explaining.

·         When I get excited, I make quirky noises, or when I awaiting something exciting, I tend to pace all around the place. (or “Stimming”)

·         If I cry or get angry for no apparent reason, it’s me letting my emotions out. (this is me experiencing a “meltdown”)

I would like to hear your thoughts on this and how it affects you. Email me at admin@deepdiveau.net

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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Kitty Beach - Being a Neurodivergent Singer and Musician

This week’s guest is Kitty Beach, a 19 year old, neurodivergent & LGBTQ identifying indie pop singer, songwriter & guitarist, from Melbourne Australia.

He released his debut single 'Live in the now' in April 2023 & he has been performing at open mics/singing comps ever since. He’s currently working on his first EP + more performance opportunities while studying part time. 

He was diagnosed with autism at age 5 & was not made aware of this until his early teens. Due to this he has always struggled to navigate areas of everyday life. 

Kitty aspires to create music with emotional meanings, clever lyrics & catchy chorus to help connect souls who have also struggled to navigate through life due to being a little bit “different”.

You can check out his website and socials through these links:-



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Michael Coles Michael Coles

Look at this Cooking Conversion Chart

I got this Conversion Chart from our local real estate agent, you can have a look at our socials to find more information, but here is a copy to download.

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Ashleigh Rae

Today’s guest on The Deep Dive is Ashleigh Rae, creator and managing director of AR Services Group. Her group does virtual support co-ordination to clients right around Australia, and has a team of NeuroSpicy workers with lived experience that can truly understand the challenges of it’s clients. The company has recently expanded to provide Psychosocial Recovery Coaching for their clients. Ashleigh has a huge following on her TikTok and is passionate about the NDIS, and is a big believer in supporting other Neurodivergents with her blend of Social Justice. Check her out via these links:-


@FeministRadical on TikTok

@ardisabilityservices on Instagram

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