Sarah Langston - - Helping out Neurodivergent Parents through The ANPA

The Australian Neurodivergent Parents Association (ANPA) was founded by Sarah Langston as a collective of neurodivergent parents advocating for their rights and the rights of their children. The ANPA aims to defend and equip neurodivergent parents and their families in Australia, focusing on political representation, support, and resources. Membership is currently free, providing a sense of belonging and community for neurodivergent parents. The ANPA engages in partnerships with government agencies and disabled people's organizations to address the urgent needs of the community. Success stories include parents feeling safer and less alone, positive feedback on the social worker info pack, and advocacy support in high-risk situations.

  • The ANPA is a collective of neurodivergent parents advocating for their rights and the rights of their children.

  • Membership in the ANPA is currently free and provides a sense of belonging and community for neurodivergent parents.

  • The ANPA focuses on political representation, support, and resources for neurodivergent parents and their families.

  • Partnerships with government agencies and disabled people's organizations help address the urgent needs of the community.

  • Success stories include parents feeling safer and less alone, positive feedback on the social worker info pack, and advocacy support in high-risk situations.

Sound Bites

  • "Stand in your power, take up space, and stand up and be counted because you have those rights, so flex them."

Contact The ANPA - or


Ange McArthur - Mother, Business Owner and Advocate


Lauren McGee - Eliminating Stress in a Stressful World