Shannon Swales - From Burnout to Wellness: A Transformative Journey

Shannon Swales, is a psychologist driven by a deep passion to empower individuals with the essential mental health knowledge & skills needed to flourish. She guides them through a transformative journey from chronically stressed & burnt-out states to a state of overall wellness. Her commitment to this cause is rooted in personal experience, having traversed the challenging terrain of burnout and other mental health conditions herself. Shannon's odyssey has imbued her with a renewed perspective, enabling her to approach her career & the care of others with a more balanced & empathetic mindset. Join Shannon on this inspirational journey as she shares her transformative experiences & valuable insights, fostering a message of resilience, self-care, & the triumph of well-being. Connect with Shannon's work via, by reading her burnout memoir - Nothing Left to Give: A Psychologist's Path Back. Shannon is also on Instagram   @burnoutpsychologysupport  


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